Mentorship Program Product Roadmap

Product Roadmap

Q1 Release: Program Infrastructure
Q2 Release: Program Launch
Q3 Release: Program Enhancement
Q4 Release: Program Review and Improvement
Platform Development
  • Design and develop the platform for mentor-mentee matching
  • Integrate the platform with existing HR systems
  • Launch the platform for internal usage
  • Address any technical issues that arise
  • Add features based on initial feedback
  • Improve user interface based on user experience
  • Review and update the platform based on end-of-year feedback
  • Plan for next year's enhancements
Mentor-Mentee Matching
  • Establish criteria for mentor-mentee matching
  • Prepare guidelines for mentors and mentees
    Action Required
  • Launch the mentor-mentee matching process
  • Monitor the matching process and make adjustments as necessary
  • Refine the matching criteria based on feedback
  • Provide additional guidance to mentors and mentees as needed
  • Review the effectiveness of the matching process
  • Make improvements based on feedback and lessons learned
Program Promotion
  • Create a communication plan to promote the program
  • Develop promotional materials
  • Implement the communication plan
  • Hold informational sessions and workshops
  • Continue to promote the program internally
  • Gather success stories and testimonials
  • Review the effectiveness of promotional efforts
  • Plan for next year's promotional activities
Program Evaluation
  • Establish metrics for program success
  • Develop a process for gathering feedback
  • Collect initial feedback and measure program success
  • Make adjustments based on feedback
  • Continue to collect feedback and measure program success
  • Implement changes based on mid-year review
  • Conduct end-of-year program evaluation
  • Use evaluation results to plan for next year

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