Zone 5 Examples: Why is he/she/it doing that?

Illustrate with Examples

Behavioral Responses and Experiences
Neurological Activity
  • Neurological activity, notably seen in brain imaging studies like fMRI and EEG, shapes the actions and behaviors of individuals. For instance, a famous study by Dr. Giacomo Rizzolatti revealed that when we observe action, neurons called mirror neurons fire in our brains. This was discovered when a macaque monkey named Nico was observed. Nico's motor cortex neurons fired both when he grabbed a peanut and when he watched another monkey do the same. Thus, Nico’s neurological activity was affecting how he interacted with the exterior world, his observable behaviour. Such neurological happenings can contour Zone 1 phenomenological experiences like empathy or learning through observation.
Biochemical Processes Affecting Mood
  • Biochemical processes, including neurotransmitter levels, highly influence an individual's subjective experiences like mood and emotions, which in turn affect observable behaviors. Take the tale of David - a cheerful, outgoing boy who was usually full of life. Sadly, David underwent a sudden and drastic mood change - he was constantly sad, withdrawn, and lost interest in activities he usually enjoyed. Blood tests revealed he was suffering from hypothyroidism - an underactive thyroid gland that was not producing enough hormones, which consequently lowered his serotonin levels - a neurotransmitter associated with well-being and happiness. Upon receiving proper medication to balance his hormonal and serotonin levels, David's mood progressively improved. Here, biochemical processes directly influenced David’s interior experiences and his observable behavior.
Physiological Responses to Stimuli
  • Our bodies react to environmental stimuli and these reactions often correspond with the subjective experiences we report. Consider the phenomenological experience of stress - as our heart rate increases, we start feeling anxious, sweating and a sense of dread envelops us. This was the case for Lisa during her job interview. The interview was a perceived threat which triggered a 'fight or flight' response causing these physiological changes. Consequently, Lisa quickly became aware of her increased heart rate, sweaty palms, and sense of discomfort which were visibly noticeable to the interview panel. This demonstrates how physiological responses to stimuli mirror the observable behaviors and subjective internal experiences.
Behavioral Responses in Psychological Studies
  • In psychological studies, observable behaviors in response to stimuli correlate closely with reported feelings. Like the famous 'smile feedback' experiment led by Strack, Martin, and Stepper (1988). Participants were asked to hold a pen in their mouths, either between their teeth (forcing a smile) or with their lips (preventing a smile), while rating the funniness of cartoons. Those forced to 'smile' by the pen placement found the cartoons funnier than the non-smiling group, indicating that facial expressions corresponding with reported emotions have feedback effects on our subjective experiences and perceptions.
Pharmacological Responses
  • Substances affecting physiological responses and behaviors provide us insight into how internal processes influence external observable behavior. Consider John, who suffered from severe chronic pain. After taking a prescribed painkiller, not only did John report his pain levels diminished, but observable changes also occurred. He began moving more freely, his grimaces of pain lessened, and his mood visibly improved, demonstrating a case where pharmacological responses led to observable changes in behavior and personal experiences.

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