What is Red Dictate?

Perspective Taking

Red Dictate Characteristics
Communication Purpose
  • The primary purpose of our communication at this stage is to assert dominance and control over our immediate environment. We use language to convey power and to establish our territory. We don't bother with pleasantries or nuances because we believe that directness best serves our pursuit of immediate results. We communicate to get what we want, when we want it, and we see any form of communication that does not serve this purpose as a waste of time.

Approach to Communication
  • Our approach to communication is straightforward and uncompromising. We don't shy away from stating exactly what we think and we expect others to listen and comply. We enjoy being blunt and clear in our demands, leaving no room for misinterpretation. We see subtlety as a weakness and prefer to keep our language simple and our messages unambiguous. Our discourse, therefore, is remarkably direct, focused solely on the expression of our needs and wants.

View of Opposition
  • We view opposition as a challenge to our authority and as an obstacle that must be overcome or eliminated. Others' dissenting opinions are often perceived as personal affronts or threats to our control. We regard compromise as surrender and believe that in any confrontational situation, there are winners and losers – and we fully intend to be the winners. Opposition is not seen as a source of constructive feedback but rather as an annoyance to be dealt with swiftly and decisively.
Handling of Conflict
  • When it comes to handling conflict, we adopt a confrontational stance. We believe in meeting challenges head-on and often use intimidation or aggression as tools to resolve disputes. We do not back down and expect others to yield to our will. We see conflict as a natural part of life where the strong prevail and the weak fall aside. In the realm of discourse, disagreement is an opportunity for us to assert our strength and demonstrate our resolve.
Approach to Resolution
  • Our approach to resolution is dominated by the search for immediate, tangible outcomes that favor us. We prioritize solutions that assert our position and enhance our power. We are less concerned with fairness or the sustainability of an outcome and more with how it benefits us in the short term. This means we gravitate towards resolutions that often ignore the needs or desires of others unless those align with our own interests.
Decision Making Process
  • We engage in decision-making with a firm belief in our personal authority and the conviction that our instincts and desires are paramount. We base our decisions less on collective discussion or consensus and more on what we personally believe to be correct or beneficial to us. We expect others to follow our lead without question, and we have little patience for deliberation or debate that does not directly reinforce our viewpoint.
Values in Discourse
  • The values we uphold in discourse are centered around strength, control, and immediate gratification. We respect forceful personalities who can assert themselves and get results. We have little use for values like empathy, collaboration, or respect for divergent viewpoints. We believe that might makes right, and we value the capacity to enforce one's will as the highest form of discourse.
Outcome Orientation
  • We are decidedly outcome-oriented, with a focus on tangible and immediate gains. We measure the success of an interaction by the extent to which it serves our interests and objectives. The impact on relationships, the feelings of others, or long-term consequences are secondary considerations at best. Our primary concern is achieving the desired result without delay, and we favor decisive action over prolonged deliberation.

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