Self-Questioning/Green Altitude Communication Practices

Practical Guidance

Active Listening
Empathetic Engagement
Inclusive Discourse
Diversity Awareness
Enhance Communication
  • Nod and provide non-verbal feedback.
  • Paraphrase or summarize what you’ve heard to ensure understanding.
  • Ask open-ended questions to invite further sharing.
  • Avoid interrupting the speaker and allow them to finish their thoughts.
  • Maintain an open posture to express attentiveness and interest.
  • Practice pausing before responding to fully process what’s been communicated.
  • Use ‘I’ statements to express your understanding of someone’s feelings.
  • Acknowledge the other person's emotion with phrases like 'It sounds like you feel...'.
  • Avoid judgment and validate feelings, even when you disagree.
  • Imagine yourself in the speaker's situation to better understand their perspective.
  • Encourage each participant to voice their opinions and concerns.
  • Facilitate a round-robin sharing to give everyone the chance to contribute.
  • Seek common ground and highlight areas of agreement before addressing differences.
  • Promote solutions that incorporate input from all group members.
  • Utilize structured decision-making processes like voting to achieve consensus.
  • Invite contributions from all group members, especially those who are typically underrepresented.
  • Use language that is respectful and free from bias or exclusionary terms.
  • Create a safe space where individuals feel comfortable sharing their truths.
  • Acknowledge and explore different cultural norms within the group.
  • Frame discussions in a way that validates multiple perspectives.
  • Educate yourself on different cultural and social contexts relevant to your group members.
  • Recognize and challenge stereotypes and unconscious biases in discourse.
  • Celebrate the unique contributions that diverse experiences bring to the conversation.
  • Advocate for representation and equity in participation.
  • Use examples and references that are diverse and avoid centering a single narrative.

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